The National Independent Private Schools Association adheres to the following code of ethics:Art lesson

• School shall clearly state its philosophies, goals and purposes, and all conduct should be consistent with philosophy and goals.

• Proprietors, administrators, and teachers will fulfill their professional responsibilities with honesty and integrity.

• School promotional materials and advertisements shall reflect a high regard for accuracy and, accordingly, will regularly be updated.

• School’s enrollment practices shall be consistent with written policies and procedures and shall not be subject to bargaining and other extraneous considerations. Qualified students shall be admitted without regard to race, color, creed, ethnic background, native origin or any other specific disabilities.

• School will make available to parents or guardians of prospective students information concerning financial responsibility to the school, as well as the school’s policy regarding refunds.

• Upon enrollment, student records will be requested from the former school and then maintained in a professional manner. Upon receipt of a properly signed, written request from another school, records or transcripts which may be helpful in determining qualification for admission will be promptly forwarded. The exception to this would be if all accounts were not paid in full.

• Confidentiality among schools concerning the school community (students, teachers, parents, etc.) shall be respected.

• Employment contracts between schools and employees will be respected by both parties, and no school shall initiate an offer of employment to an employee of another NIPSA member school without that school’s approval.

• School and its employees will neither solicit the school community nor allow school directories or mailing lists to be used by others for purposes unrelated to the educational program.

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